
We are best known for fast and efficient LEDs targeting Methane/Hydrocarbons (3.4 µm), VOCs (3.6 µm), and CO2 (4.25 µm) all of which can be paired with our photodiodes for maximum optical power.

In addition to being the only US-based supplier of gas sensing LEDs, we are the only LED supplier in the world offering this newest performance class.

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The LED Advantage

Our QuiC SLED™  technologies capture the mid-infrared fingerprints of many gases (including important greenhouse gas offenders), bringing the LED sensing advantages of stability, selectivity, efficiency, battery operation, and value to the world's largest sensing needs.

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Illuminating & Sensing in the Long Wave IR

It is thrilling to add our 7.6 µm long wave LED to the product line which is the ONLY long wave LED in the world. These can be used as mighty illuminators, but they also line up with the 7.6 µm methane absorption.

We are so confident in your ability to adopt LEDs into your health and environmental sensing solutions that we are dropping prices for bare or packaged die and evaluation kits.