What is your Personal Air Quality™?

What is your PAQ™?

Personal Air Quality, or PAQ™ (we really like acronyms with “Qs” here), is defined as knowing the quality/health of the air (CO2, CO, VOCs, and other gasses important for health) in your personal space and understanding what you are exposed to throughout the day. 

In recent newsletters and blog posts, we have referenced PAQ™ as a growing priority for people in our communities — specifically with people who have health issues that relate to the air they breathe. 

While there seems to be limited information about PAQ™ and the monitoring of your personal air space, the online shopping sites have a great selection of devices that will help you monitor your air space. 

Here are some links to more information about air monitoring: 

  • The EPA has an “air monitor toolbox” here

  • Emerging technology means anyone with a smartphone can become a mobile environmental monitoring station. Read more from the Smithsonian Magazine here

Do you have experience with Personal Air Quality (PAQ™) monitoring? We would love to hear from you.