Top priority for 2020 climate change action - the QuiC SLED™

As we close out 2019 and reflect on the things that matter most, may we hear the call to take environmental action in our own corners of the universe. The United Nations recently reported: “Climate Change is the defining issue of our time and we are at a defining moment. From shifting weather patterns that threaten food production, to rising sea levels that increase the risk of catastrophic flooding, the impacts of climate change are global in scope and unprecedented in scale. Without drastic action today, adapting to these impacts in the future will be more difficult and costly. (

Our primary objective at Terahertz Device Corporation is to assist organizations in their endeavors to affect change by implementing improved systems using our powerful gas sensing LEDs. The QuiC SLEDs™ can be integrated into a variety of consumer and industrial products to monitor and detect harmful chemicals including methane, carbon dioxide, sulfur hexafloride, and other VOCs. These chemicals are not only harmful to human health, they are the most significant contributors to Climate Change. Terahertz Device Corporation QuiC SLED™ technology can be tuned to detect specific harmful gases, while maintaining a price point that is suitable for ubiquitous adoption by consumer and industrial markets. With low power requirements, long operational life, and pricing for scale, QuiC SLED™ products enable next generation management of green house gases.

So as you enjoy the holiday season celebrating a wonderful 2019 with loved ones, may we all resolve to make 2020 the year to implement smart, cost-effective and indispensable changes that will last a lifetime.

Happy Holidays from Terahertz Device Corporation!