Fast Gas Sensing LED-Photodiode Pairs


LED & Photodiode pairs = FAST

The #1 reason to switch is SPEED. This fast and simple CO2 bench top setup is taking 1,000 measurements per second, 50 µs each, at 8ppm resolution. The raw performance enables game changing system benefits for speed, battery operation, and portability, offering dramatically better price-for-performance over other light sources. Adoption will distinguish your sensing. We can help you make the switch.

Bare Die, TO Packages, Surface Mount & Custom Assemblies

Bare Die, TO Packages, Surface Mount & Custom Assemblies

Fast and High-Resolution Co2 Measurements

Fast and High-Resolution Co2 Measurements

Gas targets range from 3-12 µm = CO2, Methane, Refrigerants, Hydrocarbons, Formaldehyde and other VOC's

Detect gas leaks faster and earlier, monitor capnography with higher accuracy, take sharper atmospheric measurements for global warming mitigation, and with immediate importance in our lives right now, manage indoor air quality by quickly determining ventilation needs — research and policy continue to directly support covid-aerosol-Co2 related awareness and action.

About Us: Terahertz Device Corporation offers a cutting-edge product line of quantum interband cascaded super-lattice light emitting diodes (QuiC SLED™) and corresponding photodiodes (PDQ™). Our patented devices based on GaSb/InAs-based heterostructures span the entire mid-wave and long-wave infrared spectrum between 3-12 µm, the infrared "fingerprint" region, with LEDs producing more than 10 mW of peak output power.