Give thanks

With grateful hearts we thank you for your continued business, partnerships, and projects. We love working with you every day!

As the world continues to battle pandemic fallout, we find gratitude in the increased education and awareness of aerosol transmission – that schools, workplaces, restaurants, and homes are understanding the vital importance of ventilation, air turbulence flow, and filtration. Its exciting to see more purposeful CO2 monitoring not only in these building structures, but now in car cabins and personal use devices. Knowing the quality of the air we breathe through this important indicator gas is a game changer for controlling our Personal Air Quality - PAQ™.

We continue to offer our fast, efficient, powerful, battery-operated gas sensing QuiC SLED™ LEDs and detectors for CO2, methane, ammonia, formaldehyde, SF6, refrigerants, and other VOC's. 

Upgrading your modules and systems with these devices improves efficiency and portability, but most importantly–they are much less expensive than alternatives.

So whether its an official Thanksgiving celebration, or simply an opportunity to reflect and be mindful, we hope you are healthy and well.